Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Island Statues Have Bodies!

I figured it was befitting of the Easter holiday to talk about Easter Island, the most remote location on earth populated by human beings, 2,500 miles to the west of the coast of Chili in South America.  The gigantic stone heads dotting the landscape of the island are as famously mysterious as the pyramids of Egypt or Peru, or Stonehenge in England.  There are 887 such stone heads (or heads and shoulder) statues located all around the perimeter of the rugged landscape of the island.  These "Easter Island heads" are known as "moai."  They were created between the years of 1250 to 1500, a period which coincided with the last trees that lived on the island.  It is believed that most of these large heads were deification of the ancesters of the various clan members, Polynesian colonizers, who inhabited the island.  The heaviest moai weighs 86 tons and the tallest is nearly 33 feet tall.  The average size of the moai is about 14 feet tall and weighs nearly 13 tons. They are carved from tuff, a kind of compressed volcanic ash, basalt, and red scoria.  By 1868, all of the standing moai had been toppled.  The oral histories differ - some say the clans toppled the statues and others say it was the result of earthquakes.

Of course, there are the usual theories about how the primitive clansmen were able to move these massive statues.  Just as it is said of the Egyptians moving the multi-ton stone blocks to form the pyramids and the Central and South American natives who also managed to move massive stone structures, it has been suggested that the Easter Island inhabitants used a similar system of ropes, pulleys, wooden sleds or logs, and lots of human muscle to move these enormous statues and erect them at locations all around the island.  However, in recent years many researchers have attempted to create mock recreations of these efforts using stone replicas and, to date, no one has been successful. 

What comes to mind immediately are all of the recent ancient alien theories which have suggested that primitive peoples were able to perform these extraordinary tasks because they were being helped by technologies given to them by extraterrestrial alien species.  The strongest arguments in favor of this theory, in my opinion, are the extraordinary stone structures and temple ruins at Puma Punka in the Bolivian highlands.  There are archeological ruins of structures made of enormous finely cut stones, fitted together without the use of mortar, with perfectly matched hole corings and in some places so perfectly fitted that one cannot push a sheet of paper or a razer blade between the stone blocks.  Moreover, the stones were made of granite and diorite - only diamond is harder - and these rocks could therefore only have been cut with diamond!  And how were they transported?  One of these rocks weighed 800 tons! 

Were the inhabitants of Easter Island, Bolivia, and Egypt privy to some kind of alien technology?  It has been suggested, since the traditional notions of ropes and pulleys seems so completely ridiculous, that perhaps these enormous blocks of stone and statues were somehow floated into place using high-tech concepts of sound waves or electromagnetic manipulations?  As crazy as that sounds, it really doesn't sound that much crazier than suggesting ropes and pulleys!

What struck me about the Easter Island heads was that I had always been under the (mistaken) impression that they were just statues of heads without bodies.  The recent excavasions have shown, as in the photo above, that many of what were previously thought to be just heads or head and shoulders, were actually connected to bodies which were buried deep underground.  So what does that suggest?  Were these statues intentionally buried?  Maybe like the famous "Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses" buried with the First Chinese emperor in 210–209 BC and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife? 


Was it some kind of natural erosion?  Or, perhaps more likely, were these statues literally built from the rocks in the ground like the twin temples of Abu-Simbel in Southern Egypt?

Certainly that would solve some of the transportation questions.  But why bury the bodies and leave the heads exposed?  The location of these statues around the perimeter of the island clearly suggests a ring of "protection" - perhaps, like the dead, these "bodies" were buried and yet the spiritual heads were left to "watch" and "guard" the inhabitants.  The one noted peculiarity of the heads is that they are oversized in relation to the size of their bodies.  The head had powers. 


  1. Hi
    I was in easter Island this summer. The stone heads are guardians of the dead and tribal ancestors. On the stone altars called AHU they placed the dead bodies to decompose. Later they took the bones and buried them underneath the Moai Ahu Structure.
